Kiran Eye Hospital

Macular Edema

Macular Edema

What is Macular Edema?

The macula is the part of the retina that helps us see fine detail, faraway objects, and color. Macular edema happens when abnormal fluid builds up in the macula, making it swell. It is typically caused by increased leakage from damaged retinal blood vessels or growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina.

Macular Edema

Symptoms of Macular Edema

 It’s a painless condition and usually asymptomatic in the early stages. Patients may later develop

  • Blurred or wavy central vision
  • Colors may appear different
  • May experience difficulty in reading

Causes of Macular Edema

  • Diabetes:

    High blood sugar levels due to Diabetes causes leaky blood  vessels at the macula.

  • Age related Macular Degeneration:

    Here abnormal blood vessels leak fluid and cause macular swelling.

  • Retinal Vein oclussions:

    When the veins in the retina become blocked,blood and fluid then leak out into the macula.

  • Vitreomacular traction(VMT)

  • Genetic/Hereditary disorders:

    such as Retinoschisis or Retinitis Pigmentosa.

  • Inflammatory eye diseases:

    Conditions like uveitis, where the body attacks its own tissues, can damage retinal blood vessels and cause swelling of the macula.

  • Medication:

    Certain drugs have side effects that can lead to macular edema.

  • Eye Malignancies:

    Both benign and malignant tumors can lead to macular edema.

  • Eye surgery:

    It’s not common, but sometimes after glaucome, retinal or cataract surgery, you can get macular edema.

  • Injuries:

    Trauma to the eye.

Macular Edema Risk Factors

  • Metabolic conditions (diabetes)
  • Blood vessel diseases (vein occlusion/blockage)
  • Aging (macular degeneration)
  • Hereditary diseases (retinitis pigmentosa)
  • Traction on the macula (macular hole, macular pucker, and vitreomacular traction)
  • Inflammatory conditions (sarcoidosis, uveitis)
  • Toxicity
  • Neoplastic conditions (eye tumors)
  • Trauma
  • Surgical causes (following eye surgery)
  • Unknown (idiopathic) causes

Macular Edema Prevention

Anyone with diabetes should have their eyes checked annually, at the least.

People with family history or underlying genetic condition can have a yearly eye examination.


How long does it take for macular edema to resolve?

The macular edema may take up to a month to approximately four months to go away.